Prices for dental services in NZ, emailed from a dentist. There are a few insurance options, but my understanding is most people do not carry dental insurance:
- Exam $52
- Cleaning $120-130
- Xrays $22 each
- Filligs $180-350
- RCT $800-950
- Crown $1050-1200
- Ortho Extraction Child $160
- Extraction $215-260
- Ortho Braces $5,000 -10,000
Here is another list from another dentist:
Exam $120 or $190 with X-ray
Cleaning $180 (with a hygienist) Clean and Exam by dentist $260
Xrays $ 69 Filligs $312-550 RCT $1000-1500 Crown $1800-2100 Extraction $300-340