My friend recently arrived in NZ. He is applying for an IRD number online using the IRD website, but the website generates same error on final submissions page since last 3 days. He also tried calling IRD but no luck. The error he is getting says “Your identity cannot be verified as the service is currently unavailable. Please contact IRD”.
Any advice on how to resolve this??
Hi, I faced the same error due to some bug in their software, they couldn’t get it resolved so online support team advised to submit application through nearest post office
I’m also facing the same issue and even report it but true they said submit the form to nearest post office. But the question is how poor the services are they don’t even fixed the error message so far.
Form : IR742 ( any AA centre or NZ post or Inland Revenue office) free available.
fill the necessary information and following supporting documents required.
1- Photo id ( Passport ) as a proof
2- Bank Account number and letter from bank that account is functional or account statement with any 2-3 transactions ( in-out).
3- Work to Residence visa copy as a proof.
Submit to any centre by person and wait for 2 weeks long and you the ird number.