The answer is “no” - we do not directly place any of our Clients in jobs here in New Zealand. It is up to you to apply for your own job. However, we do provide Job Search support to help you with your own job search. Partnering with us will help connect you with the right people in New Zealand to further your Job search. We make sure you apply for the right type of jobs and are on hand to liaise with recruiters and employers to support your applications. Employers are less likely to want to hire you if you haven’t done your groundwork so we also work with you to make sure you are “visa ready” if offered a job.
If you need Expert Immigration Advice, you have landed in the right place.
The Undersigned is a Licensed Immigration Adviser of New Zealand, licensed by the Immigration Advisers Authority New Zealand Government. I am currently the only one in Pakistan.
For a better case understanding, I will encourage you to fill out the form available below for a better case understanding:
Once you have filled the form, I would be giving you a time slot for a ONE TO ONE MEETING ONLINE to discuss your case with you in detail for a better case understanding. At the end, we would be able to advise you options out of New Zealand Skilled, Australia Skilled, Canada Skilled, and Student Visa Options which may lead to Work Visa options leading to Residency of respective countries.
You can contact me on my email address:
IAA License No. 201600209
Contact No: 0092-3335213265